The Location Project
Warabi Day 2
What is a Location Project?
A single location that you choose to spend multiple days shooting in. This place could be a single city block, a park, or even a scramble crossing. Give yourself permission to take the time to fully experience every subtly and nuance on offer.
Currently, I am spending the month of October in Warabi, Saitama. I will visit 15 times during the month. This is day 2.
How Does a Location Project Work?
First, pick a location rich with possibilities.
Second, choose a specific number of times to shoot. Once a week for a month, every lunch break for a week…
Finally, go shoot and explore. Spend part of each day out observing, consider how you can get the most out of an interesting spot. Would this place be better at night, early morning, or late afternoon?
Be sure to take time after shooting to review you work. Brutal honesty, as difficult as it is, will help to yield great results. If a shot was missed today or something didn’t work, tomorrow it can be re-worked or attempted again. The contact sheet above is full of mistakes. Over the month I will go back and try again, and in some cases again and again to get what I want.
Warabi Location Project day 2
A taxi driver taking a cigarette break. Best shot of the day.
Why Bother With a LocationProject?
It helps to build and then, refine visual acuity. It trains your eye to see moments happening before they do. It gives you time to explore a location and permission to explore the style in which to record it.
The freedom of shooting without expectations can be one of the richest experiences you can have as a street photographer. This will sharpen your instincts and build confidence in the fact that a great shot is just around the corner.
When to Use a Location Project
Often I can get stuck in a creative rut. One that has me doing the same old thing over and over again. In fact, that is the namesake of this site. I get comfortable and stop growing, this is precisely the time to try something different. The simplest thing to change in street photography is the location.
Warabi LocationProject Day2
The pristine 7/11 sign and the decay surrounding it.
Where is My Location Project?
In and around the Japan Rail Station Warabi. Just outside of Tokyo.