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Street Photography in Shibuya: A Love Affair.
Shibuya is among the most bustling places in the world. With its dazzling lights, vibrant energy, diverse commerce, exciting entertainment, and throngs of people—what's not to appreciate? While some suggest steering clear of Shibuya or Shinjuku because of the tourist crowds, it’s important to remember that people are simply people, and a great photo remains a great photo regardless of the setting.
Are Monochrome Cameras Necessary?
In photography, monochrome cameras stand out for their unique ability to capture images in shades of black and white, delivering striking contrast and depth. While many photographers opt for traditional colour cameras, the benefits of monochrome cameras cannot be overlooked.
Photographing Strangers in Tokyo
Photographing People in Tokyo
The fear of photographing people is real, but it is also the most rewarding type of street photography, from the image created to the experience shared in its capture.
Refelctions of Shibuya
It is so simple to shoot a reflection. There is as much glass as there are people in Tokyo. One could make a career of it if they were so inclined. Like any trend, reflection shots are "Romanticized," but as a photographer passionate about it, there is much to explore.
Motion in Shibuya
The Tokyo constant is motion. I have yet to practice street photography in New York, but I assume she is no different. I take advantage of motion every chance I get. Not for trend but for sincerity. It’s how I feel in the city; I am just like this girl, an observer, not a participant.