Collections: Texture
Omiya, Creative Process, Collections Jeff Austin Omiya, Creative Process, Collections Jeff Austin

Collections: Texture

One way to sharpen skills is to create image collections, such as texture. Any city is full of texture, and Tokyo is no different. Texture can be literal, like grime on a brick wall or an abandoned bicycle leaning against an old building. I see the texture in a city as history—a layer behind all the beautiful things that make a great neighbourhood.

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Tokyo Contrast
Tokyo, Creative Process, Pre Visualization Jeff Austin Tokyo, Creative Process, Pre Visualization Jeff Austin

Tokyo Contrast

Scene contrast is all the contrast within a given frame.  Some of it obvious, highlight vs shadow or complimentary color for example. While other contrast is well, more complicated. Ideas of contrasting elements such as stationary vs an in-motion subject, or the weight of each image element.  The goal here is not preach a particular style over another but to be aware of multiple concepts in order to create the contrast  each image demands.

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Color Reflections 2
Kawaguchi, Reflections, 135mm, Creative Process Jeff Austin Kawaguchi, Reflections, 135mm, Creative Process Jeff Austin

Color Reflections 2

Kawaguchi city has a number of working phone booths. Their large glass exterior makes for a perfect canvas. A reflection of both the character and characters of the city. This was the main goal of the day, aside from a couple of spots I check on each visit. The plan was to shoot primarily in color, though some black and white does make an appearance.

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